The Good Word Of The Day

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Entering The Darkness With The Light

Let me illustrate it for you if you don’t believe me:

Let’s say I give you 2 million dollars every day. One million for you, and one million to give away to anybody you want, any random person. Every single day you would have the “burden” and “duty” of giving away a million dollars.

-How long would you wait to give it out?
-Would it be a chore or a blessing to give the money away?
-If someone rejected the million dollars, would you feel ashamed and hide the money never to give it away again? Or would you think the person that refused the gift is crazy?

Nobody would think I was crazy if I stood on a corner shouting “Free money for those that will receive it!” They would be lining up. Nobody would shout out to me, “Don’t you have better things to do?”

If we would do this for worldly riches, why won’t we do it for eternal riches? I think it has to do more with our belief than it is our methods. Do we really believe the gospel is worth more than a million dollars?

There’s nothing relevant involved with giving away money. There shouldn’t be anything relevant about sharing the gospel, just do it. If you gave a random person on the street a million dollars, I don’t think they would reject you because of your method. They wouldn’t care if you wore sandals with socks or a 5 piece suit, because it’s the gift, not the person giving it. It’s the message, not the messenger.

If you have horrible disease, you could care less about the style of the doctor giving you a cure, you just want the cure!!

The truth is, we don’t want to be rejected, and we’ll go very far out of our way to avoid it, so far out of the way we forsake the message and commission of the gospel. We have to get over this somehow. Remember when Jesus sent out the 12 disciples? He sent them out with a “rejection clause”, He told them exactly what to do when someone rejected the message. This tells me not everybody will receive it, and that’s ok. As a matter of fact, Jesus said only few will find it. My goal now changes from trying to convince people that the gospel is true and indeed good news, to simply proclaiming the message and letting the seeds fall where they may. I can’t change the heart the seed falls into, my job is just to cast the seed out.

So, if we can focus more on simply proclaiming the news of Jesus instead of the thought of trying to “win” people, our job will be easier. The preaching of the cross is foolishness to those that are perishing. We need to get that straight first, what you’re doing IS foolish to the world, we don’t have to hide from it because it’s in the foolishness that God confounds the wise.

We can’t get in the habit of letting the world dictate our methods. The world is only getting more evil. It’s job is to push itself further from the truth of the gospel. We just need to accept these things and enter into the darkness with our light. When we do that, everything happens automatically.

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