The Good Word Of The Day

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Whatever is Pure, Special Edition

(audio version )
My thoughts on how Christians should react to Terrorism.

The following article was written a few days after September 11, 2001. It is by no means a political statement, but it is a reminder that the Lord is our eternal Commander in Chief.

2 Chronicles 20 New King James Version.

The Lord knew Jehoshaphat was hopelessly outnumbered by enemies, the fear of these enemies was upon the land. Jehoshaphat's people were afraid and looked to him, as their king, for words of comfort and the king in turn turned in desperation to God and God answered.

It probably seemed to be a very strange answer in the natural but God responded. He reminded them that the battle was HIS and belonged to Him. He would lead the army into battle. King Jehoshaphat instructed praise and worshipers to lead the children of Israel into battle and to obey the Lord's directive. He ordered them to stand back and worship. And as these people overcame their fear and their natural instinct to lash out in that fear and run into the battle on their own, or to run back - away from witnessing the battle, The Lord went into battle for them, their enemies were thrown into confusion, turning each against the other and the battle was won!

In light of the horrific events of September 11, 2001, this scripture has been stirred in my heart again and again by the Lord. My simple prayer is this. That the Lord would speak to our world leaders and that they would harken to the voice of the Lord. That they would seek His face for strategy and that they would step forward in that. I pray for our Church leaders worldwide, pastors, heads of denominations, prayer groups, cell group leaders, mothers, fathers, all those who are in a role of authority over others. Let them seek the Lord while He is to be found. Let them seek His face for direction.

I pray for worshipers in spirit and in truth to come forward and courageously raise the banner of praise. I pray that they lift up their voices in a cry of love, adoration and triumph and that they would be a unified voice that would shake the heavens and serve notice to the enemy of our souls, Satan that Jesus Christ is still on the throne and that Our GOD reigns and He WILL win.

I pray that when God's people are tempted to speak and act out of fear, bitterness, anger and want to lash back in revenge, that they would instead find themselves on their knees in prayer, seeking the Lord and His ways. I pray that when we find ourselves holding grudges or resentments against our loved ones, our neighbours, our brothers and sisters in Christ, our national leaders, even those who would rise up against us, that we would quickly place ourselves in a position of forgiveness so the enemy does not gain a foothold against us. I would ask the Lord to remind us that He IS a God who is a jealous God and that He is in battle on our behalf. I pray that we would not cave into the spirit of fear, resentment and bitterness that was launched on us all on September 11, 2001. I pray we would have the courage to refuse to surrender to the enemy of our souls. I pray that the Lord would give us the anointing to fight back in the opposite spirit, in courage, contentment, faith, obedience to God's direction, in openness, trust and grace.

© 2001 Katherine Walden
Please contact for permission to use.

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Do Not Fear

"Beloved, I say, let your fears go, lest they make you fainthearted. Stop inspiring fear in those around you and now take your stand in faith. God has been good and He will continue to manifest His goodness........ Let us approach these days expecting to see the goodness of the Lord manifest. Let us be strong and of good courage, for the Lord will fight for us if we stand in faith."

Francis Frangipane
To read the rest of this excellent article, please visit And find the article. "Let the Fainthearted Go" in the weekly message area.

A Time To Pause.
A time for reflection and meditation of things past;
a time to look to the future of things yet to be;
a time to strive for a better relationship with one another;
a time to reconfirm that which we hold dear, to keep and hold near.

A time to reminisce, to clear one's mind for a fresh start;
a time to put behind us the evil of the day, to stop the pain;
a time of sweet thoughts of a mother held so very dear;
a time when we sat beside our father on a river bank.

A time I would return to all who seek relief from this world;
a time to simply sit and do nothing for the entire day;
A time deep in thought of what once was, but is no more;
a time that shall never be again, no matter the pain we feel.

A time to sit with your children. they grow to be adults so quickly;
a time that slips so quickly from our grasp, never to return;
A time to mend hurt feelings of things said in haste in a moment of anger;
a time to simply sit and weep at all of that which we cannot change.

A time to seek after the ways of God, to follow His leading;
a time to let the Master ease our hurt and ease our thoughts;
a time to do what we should have, it seems so long ago now;
a time to simply let pride go and get our "house" in order.

A time of greatness lies ahead if we but seek it, and act upon it;
a time of grave urgency, to correct wrongs of the past;
a time of forgiveness from a Father with outstretched arms;
a time to lay our head upon the breast of our God and weep,
Simply from the joy we feel.

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